The leadership of Minky believes and facilitates spaces with following principles:

– Sexual expression is an important form of self-expression

– Kink can exist both as recreation and resistance

– All bodies are good bodies and all deserve respect and pleasure

– Trans rights are human rights

– Gender care, including HRT, is healthcare

– Trans women are women

– Trans men are men

– Non-binary identities are valid identities

– Black lives matter

– White supremacy is violence

– Queer love, sex, and family are real, needed, and important

– Sex work is real work

– No human is illegal

– It is both our responsibility and a boon to our safety to believe survivors

– Vaccinations, testing, and safer sex are key to public health

Safer Space Commitment

Minky is committed to the formation and protection of safer spaces for all of us to explore our identities and sexualities together. We are a queer, trauma-informed, and diverse membership and our club values reflect that. We do not tolerate expressions of transphobia, racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism, body shaming, or disparagement of consent culture. We understand that many of us play at the edges of these dark social forces, using taboo to reclaim social hurts, but we assert that non-negotiated expressions of this nature will be handled as violations of our code of conduct. If another member’s communication or actions at or outside of a Minky event have made you feel unsafe, please feel free to approach a Moderator in person, on Discord, or via email to review how we might address your concern.