Want to help more in our Minneapolis BDSM group?

There are several different ways to get more involved with Minky!

Minky Volunteers

Minky is grateful to our members who are able to offer their time to assist our group!

To celebrate members who volunteer, we give a special discord role to recognize people who contribute. Members with this role will be displayed separately in the member list sidebar, so you can show-off how cool and helpful you are!

When you earn Minky volunteer status, you’ll keep it for 40 days. If you already have it and earn it again, you’ll be reset to the full 40 days.

The following are examples of things that can earn the volunteer role:

  • Letting us know you can help with party setup or teardown and doing so
  • Taking a DM shift we request you to at a party
  • Helping at a munch (coming early, staying entire time, and chatting with people to generate conversation)
  • Helping run a non-munch, non-party events
  • Giving house tours at a party

We’ll be giving people the role to recognize any of the above. If for whatever reason you do one of these things and you do not want the perk here in discord (such as not wanting the “attention” of being in the sidebar!) let us know and we will remove it.

This system is also a way for us as a mod team to recognize members who are contributing in positive ways, and perhaps suggest applying for Associate Member status.

Associate Membership

Our Associate Member application is available at https://forms.gle/vvmyvfjraAkkCuZ88. Associate Members take an active role in helping to run logistics in Minky. As an Associate Member, you are expected to give a minimum of a few a hours of your time every month. Associate Members help with things such as dungeon monitor shifts, helping-out at set-up and clean-up at munches and parties, engaging with new attendance at munches, helping with non-munch, non-party events, and more. While not required, it is recommended to have six months of membership before getting involved as an Associate Member.

Minky Moderators

Minky accepts moderator applications on a rolling basis. While not strictly required, it’s also recommended that anyone interested in becoming a Moderator is an Associate Member for a year.

If you think you have something to contribute to the guiding team of our community, we want to hear from you!
We are in an exciting period of growth and look forward to reviewing your application as we determine our next stage as one of Minnesota’s largest and most nimble kink organizations.

While your strength may lie in logistics, or technology, or event planning (all special skills we are actively seeking!), it’s important to keep in mind that moderators also deal with consent violation reports, culture setting, and are responsible for creating a community of accountability and safety. We ask that applicants feel confident in their ability to prioritize community safety in such discussions.

New moderators will be paired with senior moderators to help learn the practices, responsibilities, and expectations of moderation. Feel free to email us at minkymods@minkymn.org if you have questions about the nature of the job, the application, or anything else.

We are particularly enthused about applicants with experience in web design, event planning, fundraising, administrative logistics, curriculum writing, and community organizing/networking.

We especially encourage women, trans folks, queer members, people of color, those with disabilities, non-traditional leaders, and people from traditionally underrepresented groups to apply.

You can find the application here: https://forms.gle/S3wu5ZD9ina4agib9