You can contact the mod team in several different ways! Feel free to reach out with questions about munches, parties, or group or community culture concerns!

  • Find us in our Discord where you can create a ticket to the entire mod team. There are multiple types of tickets, including support/report, event/party, and open ended for any generalized questions or suggestions you have about the group. You may also DM a moderator at any time.
  • You can also email us at; the mod team will all receive the email and will work to direct it to the best person to answer your question or concern promptly.

Minky and consent:

Minky treats consent reports with the respect and gravitas they deserve. Our consent policy outlines how we handle reports:

7. If your consent is violated while at an event, we invite you to tell a DM or another moderator as you feel comfortable doing so. Swift action can be taken at the behest of the reporter. Violation of the consent policy may result in immediate action, up to and including expulsion from the event and/or group.

8. If your consent is violated by a member or someone outside of Minky and you wish to reach out:

    • At an event: tell a DM or other moderator. We will work with you towards re-establishing safety and comfort. Depending on the situation, we may request a follow-up report after the fact.
    • Outside of one of our events: Please contact us by Discord DM or email at with pertinent information. We will confirm we received your email. We may have follow up questions for you in order to determine your and our community’s safety and to then determine our best course of action.
    • We understand that processing a violation can take time. There is no time limit on how long you can wait to reach out to Minky leadership.

9. Upon receiving a consent violation report, we will support the injured party in asking what course of action will make them feel safe in our space, and based on the information we receive we will communicate our decision to the violating party; up to and including expulsion from the group. Both during and after a report, the safety and privacy of the reporter is a top priority.

“I’m not sure if it’s worth making a report…”

Minky Membership is encouraged–and thanked!–for reporting any concerns about another member they may have to us whether or not they feel harm has occurred. We occasionally hear from members that they were hesitant to make a report because they didn’t feel it was a big deal, or didn’t want the person they were reporting to be banned–you can say that in your report to us, and as the reporter, we take what you say with very significant weight. The best way to share a concern is to make a “support/report” ticket on our Discord, but you can also Discord direct message a single mod, or, email at with pertinent information.

The overwhelming majority of moderator contacts and interventions are not in response to a consent violation. Minky is an intimate and complex social group committed to a proactive safer space moderation style. We assist in conflict resolution as requested by reporters or as needed when we observe behavior that could result in harm if it remained unchecked, or behavior that otherwise needs correction. We are grateful for our community and everyone who talks to us not just about big issues but also small concerns, allowing us to act before a serious issue occurs with proactive harm prevention.

Just need advice about something that happened? Talk to us!

We can’t mediate personal relationship problems, but we are also often contacted about social challenges or small issues that happen in scenes or play, at Minky or outside of it, by members wanting advice on how to prevent the same issue in the future, or how to communicate the issue. We consider this also valuable for community safety, and welcome members to contact us for these reasons as well.