Open Attendance Kinky LGBTQ+ Events

Community days are social events open to everyone, not just Minky Members, to meet new people and catch-up with friends! Unlike our munches at restaurants, community days have board games and video games, crafts, snacks, or also feature a kink discussion topic!

Everyone 18+ is welcome! Unlike our munches, which have time dedicated to verifying new members, moderators do not spend designated time to verify new Minky Members at these events. Read more about how to get verified for members-only events here!

Like all our events, we keep them low-key and low-pressure!

Minky is a queer Twin Cities-based, sex positive BDSM / kink community geared towards adults aged 18-35. We are education focused, consent forward, and operate in service of membership of all sexual orientations and gender identities and expressions.

We all know that LGBTQ+ community and safer spaces are important; We aren’t a group with just a munch and a Discord; Minky facilitates online community and hosts an array of vanilla and kink events including munches, community day events and discussions, educational workshops and presentations, indoor and outdoor adventures, online workshops, social gatherings and bonfires, picnics and grill outs, movie nights and brunches, and more. All of these events are, as always, kink friendly, where people can authentically express themselves personally and their dynamics in our spaces.

What you need to know about our events:

  • We enforce a no outing policy at our events.
    • Dress code is vanilla unless otherwise specified.
    • Some of these events may be held in public spaces, meaning there is a risk of outing outside of our control. That said, at events held in public locations, be mindful of your volume in conversation, and of the proximity of other people or staff.
    • Please refer to the Outing Policy in our Code of Conduct for more information.
    • Occasionally our outdoors events may have kink-lite elements, like outdoor rope bondage. These are fully clothed, non-lewd, pride-style events. Outdoor events carry a level of outing risk for attendees, but are legal, fun, and in our experience, spectators tend not to pay much attention and those that do want to join. It will be made very clear prior to such an event if it will include kink-lite elements; if the event does not, we ask that you do not bring things like rope.
  • Minky runs with a tight budget, and some of our venues charge us a fee, or we spend money on snacks and supplies. We encourage donations of $5-10 so we can keep running events, but they are not mandatory.
  • For attendees 21+, responsible alcohol consumption is allowed if sold by the venue.
  • Drug use is not permitted at or before any events.
  • Don’t be creepy. Our events are intended to be casual and comfortable social group gatherings, not meet markets.
  • If an attendee is making you uncomfortable, let a mod know and we will address the behavior to the best of our abilities.

Freestyle Community Days

We host these in private community rooms, usually at libraries. Some events may have a “theme”, but all Community Days are open to any activity you can reasonably do in a public place. We encourage members to bring board games, video games, crafts, or just themselves to hang out with the group. These community days are low-structure, relaxed, and casual!

Discussion Community Days

These events feature a discussion topic related to kink. Potential topics include intrapersonal skills like consent, communication, aftercare, identity, building trust. And, also more specific topics, such as topping and bottoming, or discussions about kinks like bondage, electrical play, or impact.

You can still do all the things you may want to do at one of the lower-structure freestyle days, but there will also be a dedicated time for the discussion; Bring your fidget items, games, and whatever else along with you! But, during the dedicated discussion time, please do not detract focus from the discussion.

Park Community Days

Sometimes, when the weather is nice, we host community days outside as a picnic! Bring blankets, snacks, and games!

Occasionally we mix these with kink-lite elements, like outdoor rope bondage. These are fully clothed, non-lewd, pride-style events. Outdoor events carry a level of outing risk for attendees, but are legal, fun, and in our experience, spectators tend not to pay much attention and those that do want to join. It will be made very clear prior to a Park Community Day if it will include kink-lite elements; if the event does not, we ask that you do not bring rope or other kink items.